Descrizione Led Lenser MT7 LAMPADA CON FASCIO REGOLABILE 220 LUMEN Led Lenser MT7 High End Power LED Length 132 mm Weight 187 g Lumens 220 lm* Batteries 4x AAA Energy tank 7,2 Wh Burning life 11 h** Beam range 255 m* The LED LENSER® MT7 is a tactical lighting instrument designed for special law enforcement units. This lamp is virtually indestructible. You can use it to defend yourself, break glass, or alert emergency services with the SOS function. You can drive back attackers with the military-developed strobe function. Simply change the light program for more “civilian” applications. With the LED LENSER® MT7 you can choose between electronically controlled unvarying light intensity, and continuously decreasing brightness resulting in longer burning life. Apart from offering light power, this lamp is also a strong and reliable companion in extreme situations because of its tactical functions. Descrizione: La LED LENSER® MT7 è uno strumento d‘illuminazione tattico concepito per le unitàspeciali delle forze dell‘ordine. La LED LENSER® MT7 offre una luce regolataelettronicamente e dall‘intensità costante, oppure una luminosità decrescente chepermette di prolungare la durata dell‘illuminazione. Questa torcia non offresolo una luce potente: grazie alle sue funzioni tattiche, è utile ed efficace anchenelle situazioni estreme.